- Defiantly flourish bowl of husks
- Triumphantly flourish a bowl for grain husks
- Wave menacingly
- waves menacingly
- Wield
- To move or wave, as a weapon; to raise and move in
various directions; to shake or flourish.
- To play with; to flourish; as, to brandish syllogisms.
- Bring to bear
- Exercise
- Indexer tries to contain exercise
- Make a great effort to halve the exercise with team leader
- Make a strenuous effort
- Make an effort, ... oneself
- Put into vigorous action
- Fuse
- Fuse (metal)
- Fuse with blowtorch
- Fused metal joint
- Join (metals) using heat
- Melt and join metal pieces
- Melt and join pieces of metal
- Exercised (influence)
- Exerted
- of Wield
- of Wield
- Power; authority; rule.