- Of first ages - Prime evil heard of in the earliest of times - Primitive - Very ancient - Belonging to the first ages; pristine; original;
primitive; primary; as, the primeval innocence of man.
- A lodge that may seem ancient - Ancient - Gaoled for becoming ancient - Having existed for a long time - Having existed for a very long time - Of long duration - Traditional
- Of a victory, gained at too great a cost - Of or pertaining to an ancient Greek martial dance. - Of or pertaining to a pyrrhic, or to pyrrhics; containing
pyrrhic; as, a pyrrhic verse. - An ancient Greek martial dance, to the accompaniment of
the flute, its time being very quick. - A foot consisting of two short syllables.
- Pertaining to the Cimmerii, a fabulous people, said to
have lived, in very ancient times, in profound and perpetual darkness. - Without any light; intensely dark.
- An ancient long-handled weapon, of which the head had a
point and several long, sharp edges, curved or straight, and sometimes
additional points. The heads were sometimes of very elaborate form.