- Most liked
- Pet
- Preferred above all others
- Alsatian, say
- Bedevil
- Boxer or terrier
- Canine
- Follow drug sniffer
- follow persistently
- Four-legged friend
- A jumping insect
- Biting insect
- Blood-sucking insect
- Bloodsucking insect
- Circus insect
- Circus performer caught on the hop?
- Dog biter
- Animal representative
- could be lucky for many to visit the races
- Lucky charm
- Sam turned small bed into lucky symbol
- Team good-luck charm
- Team pet
- Team pet, Sam, went back to bed
- First ones with new estate. Really!
- Freeholder
- Grow nervous when title-holder is inside
- Landlord surprisingly won over half
- Landlord with a title
- Legal possessor
- New or different person in possession