Old Fashioned Oddness Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 26-06-2021
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: old fashioned oddness. We have 10 answers for old fashioned oddness in our database.

Possible answers to old fashioned oddness

- Old fashioned oddness
- The quality of being quaint.

- Daintily odd
- Oddly picturesque
- Old-fashioned
- Pleasingly odd
- Prudent; wise; hence, crafty; artful; wily.
- Characterized by ingenuity or art; finely fashioned; skillfully wrought; elegant; graceful; nice; neat.
- Curious and fanciful; affected; odd; whimsical; antique; archaic; singular; unusual; as, quaint architecture; a quaint expression.

- Age-old
- Ancient
- Ancient account about exotic chair
- Antiquated
- Antiquated chair tossed about in current
- Old-fashioned
- Very ancient

- Anachronistic
- Dad kept the extremely old hat
- Estimated age of old hat
- Is it unfashionable to have estimated age?
- Met socially
- No longer fashionable
- Old fashioned

- Bit of a faux pas, sending old hat
- Old-fashioned
- Out of date
- Out of fashion
- Out of style
- Out-of-date
- Outdated

- Age
- Age of wine
- Antique (car)
- Get Ivan drunk with the best sort of wine
- Good old wine to get Ivan drunk
- Grapes
- Models, at given age

- Old-fashioned

- Fuddy-duddy
- Old-fashioned person

- Brittle
- Delicate
- Easily shattered
- Father shortly to become ill, delicate and weak
- Feeble
- Fragile
- Of delicate health

- Most charmingly odd
- Most old-fashioned

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