Vein Of Ore Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 16-05-2018
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: vein of ore. We have 6 answers for vein of ore in our database.

Possible answers to vein of ore

- Clod effectively covered vein of ore
- Deposit of metallic ore
- Ore seam
- Seam
- Seam of valuable ore
- Vein containing ore
- Vein of mineral

- Coal stratum
- Coal vein
- Join in Chelsea Markets
- Material joint
- sewer's output
- Sewing line
- Sewn join

- Mist; smoke; damp
- A vein of ore.

- Buildingoccupiedby untitled residents
- Crouch
- Gym exercise
- Gym exercise for Stumpy
- Not all sasquatches are short and stout
- Occupy land that’s short and wide
- Short and broad

- Continuous Or Flowing
- Continuous ore vein gets lower in quantity
- Showing no join
- Without joins
- Without obvious joins
- Without a seam.

- A tube
- Gaze at
- Hollow cylinder
- Hose
- Instrument with smoke coming out one end
- Pip’s late dropping off last cylinder
- Smoker’s tube

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