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Meaning of squat

- The angel fish (Squatina angelus).
- To sit down upon the hams or heels; as, the savages squatted near the fire.
- To sit close to the ground; to cower; to stoop, or lie close, to escape observation, as a partridge or rabbit.
- To settle on another's land without title; also, to settle on common or public lands.
- To bruise or make flat by a fall.
- Sitting on the hams or heels; sitting close to the ground; cowering; crouching.
- Short and thick, like the figure of an animal squatting.
- The posture of one that sits on his heels or hams, or close to the ground.
- A sudden or crushing fall.
- A small vein of ore.
- A mineral consisting of tin ore and spar.

Crossword clue for squat

- Buildingoccupiedby untitled residents
- Crouch
- Gym exercise
- Gym exercise for Stumpy
- Not all sasquatches are short and stout
- Occupy land that’s short and wide
- Short and broad
- Unlawfully occupy empty house