- A spur
- Cattle prod
- Incite
- Leave commercial cattle prod
- Needle
- Provoke
- Provoke 450 more Romans into goal
- Aggravate
- Bedevil
- Bother
- Cause slight anger to
- Irritate or displease
- Needle
- No, in any circumstances, will cause irritation
- Acute pain
- Anguish
- Any outside attempt will cause intense pain
- Great pain
- Great suffering
- Hostility
- Intense suffering
- Annoy
- Annoy constantly
- Annoy continually
- Badger
- besiege
- Harass
- Keep on annoying
- Bait
- Goad
- Insulting gibe
- Mock
- Tease
- Torment
- Very high or tall; as, a ship with taunt masts.