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Meaning of annoy

- To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to tease; to ruffle in mind; to vex; as, I was annoyed by his remarks.
- To molest, incommode, or harm; as, to annoy an army by impeding its march, or by a cannonade.
- A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes; also, whatever causes such a feeling; as, to work annoy.

Crossword clue for annoy

- Aggravate
- Bedevil
- Bother
- Cause slight anger to
- Irritate or displease
- Needle
- No, in any circumstances, will cause irritation
- Plague generates negative response in any setting
- Rile
- Torment
- Vex
- Wind up back in colony on Nauru