- Age-old
- Former times (poet)
- Old.
- Age; esp., old age.
- Old times; former days; antiquity.
- To age; to grow old.
- To make old or ancient.
- Age
- Fully developed
- Fully developed physically
- Fully-grown
- Grow old
- Grown-up
- Precocious
- Age-old
- Ancient
- Ancient account about exotic chair
- Antiquated
- Antiquated chair tossed about in current
- Old-fashioned
- Very ancient
- Age
- Age of wine
- Antique (car)
- Get Ivan drunk with the best sort of wine
- Good old wine to get Ivan drunk
- Grapes
- Models, at given age
- Age-old
- Conventional
- Customary
- Engineer and tailor keep it conventional
- Habitual
- Handed down
- Long-established