- Be wrong
- Blunder
- Boo-boo
- Error
- Inaccuracy
- Interpret wrongly
- Miscalculation
- Barrier Reef reveals blunder
- Be mistaken
- Be mistaken or incorrect
- Be wrong
- Berry omitted by mistake
- Blot one’s copybook
- Blunder
- Argue the point
- Assert the contrary
- Belie
- Dispute Di’s involvement with shrink
- Show to be wrong
- To assert the contrary of; to oppose in words; to
take issue with; to gainsay; to deny the truth of, as of a statement or
a speaker; to impugn.
- To be contrary to; to oppose; to resist.
- Alternately ruin star, rude and dishonest
- False
- False or incorrect
- Inaccurate
- Incorrect
- It's wrong to be disloyal
- vacillating
- Publicly declares to be wrong
- Reviled
- Spoke ill of
- of Denounce
- Proving to be wrong by striking again with horns
- Proving wrong
- of Rebut