- A breeder to set at intervals
- A fastener
- Boss of breeding farm
- Breeding farm
- Card game
- Cattle-breeding farm
- Collar fastener
- Livestock farmer
- Propagator
- Stud farmer
- One who, or that which, breeds, produces, brings up, etc.
- A cause.
- Animals kept for reproduction
- Livestock farmers
- People who reproduce and raise animals?
- Stud farmers
- Beaver’s work, mother
- Block (river)
- Brood mare
- Confine Fido’s mum
- Embankment
- Initially, domestic animal’s mother
- It’s mad to go back for an animal’s mother
- ..., crackle, pop
- Break
- Break cleanly
- Break suddenly
- Break under pressure
- Break with a sharp cracking sound
- Camera output