Imprint Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 19-03-2025
This week's crossword clue is a quick crossword: imprint. We have 5 answers for imprint in our database.

Possible answers to imprint

- Imprint
- Indentation
- Make a lasting impression
- Pressure mark
- Stamp
- Stamping firmly
- To impress; to mark by pressure; to indent; to stamp.

- Bang the foot down
- Brand
- Brand mark
- Distinctive character
- Emboss
- Extinguish, ... out
- Imprint

- Shoe imprint
- Sound of walking
- Sound of walking is loud to poets, surprisingly
- The mark or impression of the foot; a track; hence, visible sign of a course pursued; token; mark; as, the footsteps of divine wisdom.
- An inclined plane under a hand printing press.

- A track
- Bush track
- Bush trail
- Crawl
- Drag along
- Drag along the ground
- Drop behind forest path

- See Imprint.

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