- “Excellent” in teenspeak
- Fed up, ... and tired
- Fossicked around poorly
- Ill
- Nauseous
- Not well
- Out of sorts
- frightfully
- Hideously
- Incompetently
- Miserably
- Not well
- In a bad manner; poorly; not well; unskillfully;
imperfectly; unfortunately; grievously; so as to cause harm;
disagreeably; seriously.
- Feeling unwell
- Flea-bitten
- Ill-reputed
- Not well
- Off-colour like a fig?
- Out of sorts
- Out of sorts (coll)
- 50/50 I turn bad
- Ailing
- Ailing king took no part in killing
- Anxious ... at ease
- Anxious, ... at ease
- Badly sick in Seville
- Badly written in Braille