State Of Health Mentioned In The Bill Of Rights Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 08-06-2022
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: state of health mentioned in the bill of rights. We have 1 answers for state of health mentioned in the bill of rights in our database.

Possible answers to state of health mentioned in the bill of rights

- Documentation of laws governing health
- State of health mentioned in the Bill of Rights
- The act or process of constituting; the action of enacting, establishing, or appointing; enactment; establishment; formation.
- The state of being; that form of being, or structure and connection of parts, which constitutes and characterizes a system or body; natural condition; structure; texture; conformation.
- The aggregate of all one's inherited physical qualities; the aggregate of the vital powers of an individual, with reference to ability to endure hardship, resist disease, etc.; as, a robust constitution.
- The aggregate of mental qualities; temperament.
- The fundamental, organic law or principles of government of men, embodied in written documents, or implied in the institutions and usages of the country or society; also, a written instrument embodying such organic law, and laying down fundamental rules and principles for the conduct of affairs.

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