- Army detachment - Clean (car) thoroughly - Elaborate on, go into ... - Finer points of cadet ailment - Individual part - Intricate decoration - List or relate fully
- Army unit - Group of soldiers - Military unit - Military unit of 25-30 men - Subdivision of a company of troops - Formerly, a body of men who fired together; also, a small
square body of soldiers to strengthen the angles of a hollow square. - Now, in the United States service, half of a company.
- Formation of troops in parallel rows - Level - Level in an organisation - Level of command - Level of command found in creche, long ago - Level or rank in an organisation - level or rank in an organization
- Colleague - Group at the same level or age - Group of soldiers - Roman military unit - A body of about five or six hundred soldiers; the tenth
part of a legion. - Any band or body of warriors. - A natural group of orders of plants, less comprehensive
than a class.
- Group of players - Group of soldiers - Police unit - Small group of soldiers - Small military unit - Working party - A small party of men assembled for drill, inspection, or
other purposes.