- Boiled flour pudding - Boiled pudding - Doughy food - Dough or paste. - A stiff flour pudding, boiled in a bag; -- a term used
especially by seamen; as, plum duff.
- A kind of pudding made of paste spread with fruit,
rolled into a cylindrical form, and boiled or steamed. - Shaped like a rolly-poly; short and stout.
- A dish formed of oatmeal boiled in water to a certain
consistency and frequently stirred, or of oatmeal and dripping mixed
together and stirred about in a pan; a hasty pudding.
- A roundish mass of dough boiled in soup, or as a sort of
pudding; often, a cover of paste inclosing an apple or other fruit, and
boiled or baked; as, an apple dumpling.