- Bird is key, we hear - Chinese fruit - Chinese gooseberry, ... fruit - Flightless bird - Flightless New Zealand bird - Flightless NZ bird - Fruit type
- A citrus fruit - A little money is more than enough for sour fruit - a tart fruit that red orange or yellow - Acid fruit - Citrus - Citrus fruit - Dud car
- Fruit type - Meg ran behind post office and grabbed a snack – a piece of fruit - Red many-seeded fruit - Red seedy fruit - Tart seedy fruit - Tart, seedy fruit - The fruit of the tree Punica Granatum; also, the tree
itself (see Balaustine), which is native in the Orient, but is
successfully cultivated in many warm countries, and as a house plant in
colder climates. The fruit is as large as an orange, and has a hard
rind containing many rather large seeds, each one separately covered
with crimson, acid pulp.
- Alligator pear - Available via orchard cart at daily openings - Bravo, cad, offering to hold green fruit - Creating havoc, a dodgy alligator food - Exotic pear - Exotic pears - Fruit type
- Fruit from Holly for Halle - Fruit type - Small fruit - Small soft fruit - Soft fruit - Variety of fruit - Any small fleshy fruit, as the strawberry, mulberry,
huckleberry, etc.