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Meaning of apple

- The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus) cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones.
- Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the base of the fruit; an apple tree.
- Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple (a tomato), balsam apple, egg apple, oak apple.
- Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold.
- To grow like an apple; to bear apples.

Crossword clue for apple

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- Computer model
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- Crisp fruit
- Fruit
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- Fruit type
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- NYC, The Big ...
- Phone company
- Piece of fruit
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- There might be one bad one in a barrel or, in a heap, plenty
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