- Abnormal sac - Abscess - Blistery sore found in centre of juicy steak - Body fluid lump - Membranous sac - See why saint got sort of blister - Skin problem
- Contusion - Mark from a whip - Raised mark from a whip, e.g. - Raised mark on the skin - Skin swelling - The odds, when late, of getting lash mark - Weal
- Bungle - Carry out badly - Make a mess of - Slip-up - Spoil by poor work - A swelling on the skin; a large ulcerous affection; a boil;
an eruptive disease. - A patch put on, or a part of a garment patched or mended in
a clumsy manner.
- Swelling caused by the accumulation of fluid - A swelling from effusion of watery fluid in the cellular
tissue beneath the skin or mucous membrance; dropsy of the subcutaneous
cellular tissue.
- Dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue; an effusion
of serum into the cellular substance, occasioning a soft, pale,
inelastic swelling of the skin.