- Despicable to be draped around overhead fabric - Dress material - Light scarf fabric - Orbison initially into vile material - Sheer fabric - Translucent fabric - Woven fabric
- A pancake - Creep around in crinkly material - Crinkly fabric - Crinkly fabric of pancake - Crinkly fabric that’s eaten in the French fashion - Dress material - Fabric type
- Audition forbidden for pop group - Music group - Music group sounds like it’s been prohibited - Musical group - Orchestra - Original baritone and orchestra - Posse
- A piece of leather stuffed or padded, worn by fencers to
protect the breast. - An iron breastplate, worn under the hauberk. - The ventral shield or shell of tortoises and turtles. See
Testudinata. - A trimming for the front of a woman's dress, made of a
different material, and narrowing from the shoulders to the waist.