- Flow suddenly
- Outburst
- Pour out
- Rhapsodise
- Speechify
- Spurt
- Sudden outpouring
- A long speech from one in business
- A tired sort of diatribe
- Angry outburst
- Angry speech
- Declamation
- Denounced Thai raid in angry speech
- Denunciation
- A simultaneous discharge of weapons in battle
- Also disturbed around five by heavy burst of firing
- Amount of shellfire
- Artillery salute
- Barrage
- Barrage of shots
- Broadside
- Childish fit of rage
- Childish outburst
- Fit of bad temper
- Fit of ill temper
- Fit of illtemper
- Fit of rage
- Fit of temper held in check by distant rumbling
- Boil over
- Break out suddenly
- Burst suddenly into fire
- Ignite quickly
- Ignite quickly; intensify
- intensify
- Sudden burst of fire or light