- Abolition
- Extermination
- The act of abolishing; abolition; destruction.
- Abolition
- Cancellation
- Formal invalidation
- Invalidation
- Invalidation of a marriage
- Negation
- The act of annulling; abolition; invalidation.
- Abolition
- Complete removal
- Elation surrounds mini being remodelled for removal
- Elimination of a hundred trapped in nuclear emission from the east
- Eradication
- Knock-out (round)
- Removal from contest
- The act of emptying, clearing of the contents, or
- Withdrawal of troops from a town, fortress, etc.
- Voidance of any matter by the natural passages of the
body or by an artificial opening; defecation; also, a diminution of the
fluids of an animal body by cathartics, venesection, or other means.
- That which is evacuated or discharged; especially, a
discharge by stool or other natural means.
- Abolition; nullification.