- Foreman
- Manager
- Supervisor has finished with clairvoyant
- One who oversees; a superintendent; a supervisor; as, an
overseer of a mill; specifically, one or certain public officers; as,
an overseer of the poor; an overseer of highways.
- A member of the board of a company
- Bad credit? Start off right with manager
- Board member
- Conductor
- controller
- Diane takes vicar to see company boss
- Executive officer
- Boss who’s a cut above the rest?
- Condescending manager
- Great Lake
- Higher in nature
- Higher in position or rank
- Higher in rank
- More elevated in place or position; higher; upper; as,
the superior limb of the sun; the superior part of an image.
- Acting (manager)
- Caretaker
- Caretaker in midwinter? Impossible!
- In term, I went in pro tem
- In winter, images are only makeshift
- Meantime
- Painter impulsively covers for caretaker