Speck Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 21-03-2025
This week's crossword clue is a quick crossword: speck. We have 5 answers for speck in our database.

Possible answers to speck

- Speck

- A speck
- Could Otto include decimal point?
- Decimal point
- Dorothy or Mark?
- Fleck
- Mark comes to a full stop
- Mark, polka ...

- Little hard piece
- Speck
- A minute part or portion of matter; a morsel; a little bit; an atom; a jot; as, a particle of sand, of wood, of dust.
- Any very small portion or part; the smallest portion; as, he has not a particle of patriotism or virtue.
- A crumb or little piece of concecrated host.
- The smaller hosts distributed in the communion of the laity.
- A subordinate word that is never inflected (a preposition, conjunction, interjection); or a word that can not be used except in compositions; as, ward in backward, ly in lovely.

- Speck
- Tiny piece
- A flake; also, a lock, as of wool.
- A spot; a streak; a speckle.
- To spot; to streak or stripe; to variegate; to dapple.

- Particle
- Small piece
- Speck
- Tiny particle
- Tiny piece
- Tiny spot
- of Mot

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