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Meaning of superior

- More elevated in place or position; higher; upper; as, the superior limb of the sun; the superior part of an image.
- Higher in rank or office; more exalted in dignity; as, a superior officer; a superior degree of nobility.
- Higher or greater in excellence; surpassing others in the greatness, or value of any quality; greater in quality or degree; as, a man of superior merit; or of superior bravery.
- Beyond the power or influence of; too great or firm to be subdued or affected by; -- with to.
- More comprehensive; as a term in classification; as, a genus is superior to a species.
- Above the ovary; -- said of parts of the flower which, although normally below the ovary, adhere to it, and so appear to originate from its upper part; also of an ovary when the other floral organs are plainly below it in position, and free from it.
- Belonging to the part of an axillary flower which is toward the main stem; posterior.
- Pointing toward the apex of the fruit; ascending; -- said of the radicle.
- One who is above, or surpasses, another in rank, station, office, age, ability, or merit; one who surpasses in what is desirable; as, Addison has no superior as a writer of pure English.
- The head of a monastery, convent, abbey, or the like.

Crossword clue for superior

- Boss who’s a cut above the rest?
- Condescending manager
- Great Lake
- Higher in nature
- Higher in position or rank
- Higher in rank