- Alter legend to make money - Alter legend to make payment valid - Incorrectly alleged rent to be acceptable money - Money - Money for authorised dinghy
- Chewing gum flavour - herb used in asian cookery and tea - Lance to make money in plant - Map insert used to locate plant - Pears used by Herb as chewing-gum flavour - Toothpaste flavour - A species of mint (Mentha viridis) growing in moist
soil. It vields an aromatic oil. See Mint, and Mentha.
- Abductor - Abductor made smoked herring swallow code carrier - Baby snatcher - Baby-snatcher - Child stealer - He expects to make money by taking charge - One who steals another
- Make Melbee two final letters for appropriate money - Steal from boss - To steal or misappropriate - To appropriate fraudulently to one's own use, as
property intrusted to one's care; to apply to one's private uses by a
breach of trust; as, to embezzle money held in trust. - To misappropriate; to waste; to dissipate in
- Down payment - enrichment - Go ahead with a dance about five Romans - Go forward - Improve - Lend money - Lend money for publicity truck. Church to make progress