- Abhor
- Aversion to adjusting the heat
- bug bear
- Can’t stomach the terrible heat
- Despise
- Despise half-time film clip
- Detest
- Abhorrence
- Hatred
- Repugnance
- Repulsion
- Revulsion or strong disapproval
- sickens or fill of loathing
- To provoke disgust or strong distaste in; to cause (any
one) loathing, as of the stomach; to excite aversion in; to offend the
moral taste of; -- often with at, with, or by.
- Aversion
- Disfavour
- Enmity
- Fail to care for
- Hatred
- Have an aversion or objection to
- Loathe
- Disgrace of losing one’s head on the podium
- Hatred
- Intense dislike
- Loathing
- Loss of a little sodium creates hatred
- Nash abandoned humanoids, distorted with abhorrence
- Repugnance
- Abhorrence
- Intense dislike
- Intense hatred
- The act of detesting; extreme hatred or dislike;
abhorrence; loathing.