- A hole
- A mountain pass
- A space
- Age difference, generation ...
- Applaud
- Breach
- Break in continuity
- Hiatus
- Pit or cavity
- A small opening; a small pit or depression; a small blank
space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus.
- A small opening; a small depression or cavity; a space, as
a vacant space between the cells of plants, or one of the spaces left
among the tissues of the lower animals, which serve in place of vessels
for the circulation of the body fluids, or the cavity or sac, usually
of very small size, in a mucous membrane.
- An intervening time
- Break
- Break in activity
- Bury Kilmer or Doonican in the theatrical break
- Hiatus
- Intermission
- Pause or break in a show
- A rest
- Breather; interval
- Hiatus, intermission
- Interlude
- Interval of relief
- Pause from exertion
- Postponements
- A gap
- Break in continuity
- Gap
- Have some gnocchi at usual break in proceedings
- Interruption in continuity
- Pause
- Temporary gap in phone conversation