- Contempt - Hold in contempt - Scorn - Scorn or contempt - Treat with contempt - A feeling of contempt and aversion; the regarding
anything as unworthy of or beneath one; scorn. - That which is worthy to be disdained or regarded with
contempt and aversion.
- Admonish, scold - Reprove severely - Scold - Take to task for involving pub raid - Tear strips off - To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to
reproach; to cast something in the teeth of; -- followed by with or
for, and formerly of, before the thing imputed. - To reprove severely; to rebuke; to chide.
- Flatten the first ramp the French made - Stamp or walk roughly on - Stampede (over) - Stomp heavily - Tread on and crush - Tread on heavily - Tread roughly, or carelessly