- Actress, Miranda ... - Back and forth to von Bismarck - German emperor - German name - Man’s name - Miranda or Barry to go back and forth - Old Testament to name von Bismarck
- A skier involved in mix-up with German emperor - German emperor - Wilhelm II’s title - WWI bogeyman, ... Bill - The ancient title of emperors of Germany assumed by King
William of Prussia when crowned sovereign of the new German empire in
- Brandenburg’s capital - Conference of the victors in Europe after WWII - Former german emperor's home city - Former German emperors home city - german emperor home city
- Ballot caster - Choose alternative voter - Constituent - Constituent let core be rewoven - He makes decision about a party, perhaps - Head of State abandons selector to a voting member - Polling booth occupant
- A right formerly claimed by the states of the German
Empire of joining their own ministers with those of the emperor in
public treaties and negotiations to the common interest of the empire.