- Adverse fate
- Condemn
- Destiny
- Dire fate produces mood swing
- Fate
- Fate or destiny
- Hopeless state
- Censure
- Condemn
- Curse roundly
- Mild expletive
- Put a curse on
- To condemn; to declare guilty; to doom; to adjudge to
punishment; to sentence; to censure.
- To doom to punishment in the future world; to consign to
perdition; to curse.
- Condemn (to)
- Court judgment on a grammatical term
- Impose imprisonment on
- Judge's pronouncement
- Legal punishment
- Part of paragraph
- Pass judgment on extremely sentimental experience
- of Condemn
- Pronounced to be wrong, guilty, worthless, or forfeited;
adjudged or sentenced to punishment, destruction, or confiscation.
- Used for condemned persons.