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Meaning of doom

- Judgment; judicial sentence; penal decree; condemnation.
- That to which one is doomed or sentenced; destiny or fate, esp. unhappy destiny; penalty.
- Ruin; death.
- Discriminating opinion or judgment; discrimination; discernment; decision.
- To judge; to estimate or determine as a judge.
- To pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn; to consign by a decree or sentence; to sentence; as, a criminal doomed to chains or death.
- To ordain as penalty; hence, to mulct or fine.
- To assess a tax upon, by estimate or at discretion.
- To destine; to fix irrevocably the destiny or fate of; to appoint, as by decree or by fate.

Crossword clue for doom

- Adverse fate
- Condemn
- Destiny
- Dire fate produces mood swing
- Fate
- Fate or destiny
- Hopeless state
- Ruin
- Terrible fate
- Terrible fate of uplifting mood
- Unpleasant destiny takes the mood back