Bronze Coin Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 23-12-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: bronze coin. We have 3 answers for bronze coin in our database.

Possible answers to bronze coin

- A red-brown metal
- Base metal
- Bronze coin
- Change
- Coin for Bobby
- Metal, Cu
- Metallic element

- Old bronze coin
- Small price paid for thoughts
- Denoting pound weight for one thousand; -- used in combination, with respect to nails; as, tenpenny nails, nails of which one thousand weight ten pounds.
- An English coin, formerly of copper, now of bronze, the twelfth part of an English shilling in account value, and equal to four farthings, or about two cents; -- usually indicated by the abbreviation d. (the initial of denarius).
- Any small sum or coin; a groat; a stiver.
- Money, in general; as, to turn an honest penny.
- See Denarius.

- Alloy
- Alloy of copper and zinc
- An alloy
- Effrontery (coll)
- Officers in this section of orchestra
- Orchestra section
- An alloy (usually yellow) of copper and zinc, in variable proportion, but often containing two parts of copper to one part of zinc. It sometimes contains tin, and rarely other metals.

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