Gamble Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 23-12-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: gamble. We have 5 answers for gamble in our database.

Possible answers to gamble

- Gamble

- A wager
- Amount staked by better half
- Be on track first and have a flutter
- Be the first to have a flutter
- Even object to stake
- Gamble
- poker stake

- Boat
- boat moved with a pole
- Gamble
- Have a bet
- Kick
- Long high kick
- River boat

- A hazard
- Danger
- Expose to chance
- Gamble
- Hazard
- It may be calculated, but was taken to heart by Boris Karloff
- Hazard; danger; peril; exposure to loss, injury, or destruction.

- A gamble
- chance of danger or failure
- Dangerous
- Hazardous
- Involving danger
- Speculative
- Wide open

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