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Meaning of tends

- To make a tender of; to offer or tender.
- To accompany as an assistant or protector; to care for the wants of; to look after; to watch; to guard; as, shepherds tend their flocks.
- To be attentive to; to note carefully; to attend to.
- To wait, as attendants or servants; to serve; to attend; -- with on or upon.
- To await; to expect.
- To move in a certain direction; -- usually with to or towards.
- To be directed, as to any end, object, or purpose; to aim; to have or give a leaning; to exert activity or influence; to serve as a means; to contribute; as, our petitions, if granted, might tend to our destruction.

Crossword clue for tends

- Be inclined
- Care for
- Care for or look after
- In addition
- Incline
- Incline (towards)
- Lean-to
- Look after
- Look after or take care of
- Look! After the end, he goes away
- Mind
- Minister to write down 10 + 500
- See (to)
- Take care of
- Head nurses
- Is inclined (to)
- Leans
- Looks after
- Minds
- trends