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Meaning of egg

- The oval or roundish body laid by domestic poultry and other birds, tortoises, etc. It consists of a yolk, usually surrounded by the "white" or albumen, and inclosed in a shell or strong membrane.
- A simple cell, from the development of which the young of animals are formed; ovum; germ cell.
- Anything resembling an egg in form.
- To urge on; to instigate; to incite/

Crossword clue for egg

- A little nutmeg gift at Easter
- Begged to carry Faberge creation
- Bird-to-be
- Breakfast food
- Breakfast item
- Caviar
- Chocolate Easter gift
- Directions for its use may include “Crack whip”
- Double-yolker
- Earliest Easter gift?
- Easter gift
- Encourage farm produce
- Encourage, ... on
- Fabergé creation is a souffle ingredient
- Fabergé creation might have to be broken to make omelette
- Food item
- For example, German capital displays Faberge piece
- For example, get started on where the bird came from
- Frittata ingredient
- Golfer drops sack of bagels
- Incite, ... on
- Laid item
- Meggs includes one for breakfast
- Object laid by a bird
- Opening Easter gift? Great!
- Oval item
- Oval object
- Ovum
- poached or fried item
- Poultry product
- Quiche ingredient
- Robin’s baby capsule?
- Round or oval item
- Round or oval object
- Savings, nest ...
- Souffle ingredient
- The Big Easy, Ernie ...
- The last horse for Humpty Dumpty?
- Thing a bird lays
- Urge back from big geyser
- Urge, ... on