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Meaning of suites

- A retinue or company of attendants, as of a distinguished personage; as, the suite of an ambassador. See Suit, n., 5.
- A connected series or succession of objects; a number of things used or clessed together; a set; as, a suite of rooms; a suite of minerals. See Suit, n., 6.
- One of the old musical forms, before the time of the more compact sonata, consisting of a string or series of pieces all in the same key, mostly in various dance rhythms, with sometimes an elaborate prelude. Some composers of the present day affect the suite form.

Crossword clue for suites

- Adjoining bathroom, en ...
- Bathroom off bedroom, en ...
- Entourage
- Group of rooms
- Hotel apartment
- Hotel apartment sounds sweet!
- Large hotel offering
- Orchestral composition
- Retinue
- Set of rooms
- Train of followers
- Hotel apartments
- Luxury hotel offerings