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Meaning of folio

- A leaf of a book or manuscript.
- A sheet of paper once folded.
- A book made of sheets of paper each folded once (four pages to the sheet); hence, a book of the largest kind. See Note under Paper.
- The page number. The even folios are on the left-hand pages and the odd folios on the right-hand.
- A page of a book; (Bookkeeping) a page in an account book; sometimes, two opposite pages bearing the same serial number.
- A leaf containing a certain number of words, hence, a certain number of words in a writing, as in England, in law proceedings 72, and in chancery, 90; in New York, 100 words.

Crossword clue for folio

- “Page is enemy!” DiCaprio said
- Begin formally organising literature in official large volume
- Book leaf
- Foe Leo acknowledged on book page
- Folded sheet paper
- Fool about holding one sheet of paper
- Large book
- Leaf
- Leaf of a book
- Manuscript made of folded sheets
- page
- Sheet of a manuscript
- Sheet of paper