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Meaning of subtle

- Sly in design; artful; cunning; insinuating; subtile; -- applied to persons; as, a subtle foe.
- Cunningly devised; crafty; treacherous; as, a subtle stratagem.
- Characterized by refinement and niceness in drawing distinctions; nicely discriminating; -- said of persons; as, a subtle logician; refined; tenuous; sinuous; insinuating; hence, penetrative or pervasive; -- said of the mind; its faculties, or its operations; as, a subtle intellect; a subtle imagination; a subtle process of thought; also, difficult of apprehension; elusive.
- Smooth and deceptive.

Crossword clue for subtle

- Clever
- Delicate and highly refined
- Indirect (hint)
- Ingenious
- Not blunt
- Rarefied
- Slight
- Tenuous
- Understated
- understated but takes lengthy explanation
- Without it, subtitle is a bit understated