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Meaning of brute

- Not having sensation; senseless; inanimate; unconscious; without intelligence or volition; as, the brute earth; the brute powers of nature.
- Not possessing reason, irrational; unthinking; as, a brute beast; the brute creation.
- Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of, a brute beast. Hence: Brutal; cruel; fierce; ferocious; savage; pitiless; as, brute violence.
- Having the physical powers predominating over the mental; coarse; unpolished; unintelligent.
- Rough; uncivilized; unfeeling.
- An animal destitute of human reason; any animal not human; esp. a quadruped; a beast.
- A brutal person; a savage in heart or manners; as unfeeling or coarse person.
- To report; to bruit.

Crossword clue for brute

- Animal that could be embracing rut
- Animalw type
- Beast
- Cruel person
- Great animal
- Ogre
- Sadist
- Savage person or animal
- Thug
- Vicious person
- Wild animal