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Meaning of sermons

- A discourse or address; a talk; a writing; as, the sermons of Chaucer.
- Specifically, a discourse delivered in public, usually by a clergyman, for the purpose of religious instruction and grounded on some text or passage of Scripture.
- Hence, a serious address; a lecture on one's conduct or duty; an exhortation or reproof; a homily; -- often in a depreciatory sense.
- To speak; to discourse; to compose or deliver a sermon.
- To discourse to or of, as in a sermon.
- To tutor; to lecture.

Crossword clue for sermons

- Church talk
- Homily
- Long moralising speech
- Monologue
- Preachers lecture
- preaching like aesop
- Religious lecturer
- Homilies
- Priest’s lectures
- Religious addresses made during church services
- Religious lectures
- Religious speeches