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Meaning of skin

- The external membranous integument of an animal.
- The hide of an animal, separated from the body, whether green, dry, or tanned; especially, that of a small animal, as a calf, sheep, or goat.
- A vessel made of skin, used for holding liquids. See Bottle, 1.
- The bark or husk of a plant or fruit; the exterior coat of fruits and plants.
- That part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole.
- The covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel; the shell; also, a lining inside the framing.
- To strip off the skin or hide of; to flay; to peel; as, to skin an animal.
- To cover with skin, or as with skin; hence, to cover superficially.
- To strip of money or property; to cheat.
- To become covered with skin; as, a wound skins over.
- To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one's own, or to use in such exercise cribs, memeoranda, etc., which are prohibited.

Crossword clue for skin

- Emaciated, ... and bones
- Epidermis
- Flay
- Glide lightly over
- Hide from largest organ
- Hide the peel
- Largest human organ
- Nervous kings hide inside
- One's kin partly determines one's cornplexion
- One’s kin partly determines one’s complexion
- Outer covering
- Outer surface
- Peel
- Peel (banana)
- Pelt
- Remove peel from
- Rind
- Surface membrane
- To flay