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Meaning of atom

- An ultimate indivisible particle of matter.
- An ultimate particle of matter not necessarily indivisible; a molecule.
- A constituent particle of matter, or a molecule supposed to be made up of subordinate particles.
- The smallest particle of matter that can enter into combination; one of the elementary constituents of a molecule.
- Anything extremely small; a particle; a whit.
- To reduce to atoms.

Crossword clue for atom

- A cat bit
- A male cat is a source
- All there is before N to Z is a tiny bit of physics
- At the top
- Element’s smallest part
- Elementary particle
- Matter component
- Minute fragment
- Minute particle
- Minute quantity
- Most minuscule amount
- Nuclear energy source
- Nuclear weapon, ... bomb
- Particle Of Matter
- Physics particle
- Proton's place
- Proton’s place
- Small particle
- Smallest component of an element
- The smallest particle of a chemical element
- The smallest particle of an element
- Tiny part
- Tiny part of a cruise
- Tiny particle
- Tiny piece
- Unit of matter