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Meaning of anon

- Straightway; at once.
- Soon; in a little while.
- At another time; then; again.

Crossword clue for anon

- A negative reply from a Frenchman without a name
- Author unknown in Lebanon
- Author’s name obviously not known to start with
- Before long
- early arch
- In a little while
- In a short time
- In ran one unknown author 
- Nameless author
- Not named
- Quotation notation
- secret source for short
- Shortly
- Sometime soon
- Soon
- Soon (arch)
- Soon Ann held ring
- Soon Anton lost heart
- Soon or shortly
- soon shortly arch
- Soon, in olden times
- Soon; shortly
- Starts as a name, or names, unknown
- Unknown author
- Unknown author in part of Lebanon