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Meaning of straight

- A variant of Strait, a.
- Right, in a mathematical sense; passing from one point to another by the nearest course; direct; not deviating or crooked; as, a straight line or course; a straight piece of timber.
- Approximately straight; not much curved; as, straight ribs are such as pass from the base of a leaf to the apex, with a small curve.
- Composed of cards which constitute a regular sequence, as the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten-spot; as, a straight hand; a straight flush.
- Conforming to justice and rectitude; not deviating from truth or fairness; upright; as, straight dealing.
- Unmixed; undiluted; as, to take liquor straight.
- Making no exceptions or deviations in one's support of the organization and candidates of a political party; as, a straight Republican; a straight Democrat; also, containing the names of all the regularly nominated candidates of a party and no others; as, a straight ballot.
- In a straight manner; directly; rightly; forthwith; immediately; as, the arrow went straight to the mark.
- A hand of five cards in consecutive order as to value; a sequence. When they are of one suit, it is calles straight flush.
- To straighten.

Crossword clue for straight

- Candid
- Direct
- Direct route
- Frank mended shirt tag
- Like a crow’s flight path?
- Making neat ... up
- Making neat: ... up
- not circuitous
- Straightforward
- Unbent
- Without a curve or bend
- Without deviation