Difficult to See or Find

Difficult to see or find crossword clue. 6 letters. Daily Mail quick crossword question on 26 Aug 2017

The solver: HIDDEN

Crossword clue difficult to see or find

We are currently on target for beginning the loan and application process in the fall of 2015 to replace the Penfield water main. Construction on the mains would begin in 2016. We are hoping in 2018 to replace the street, make improvements and make repairs to storm sewers. We are also exploring options to have a plan in place to replace the remaining cast iron water mains which are located mostly west of Dixie Highway.

Now that winter is almost over, will you repair the damage caused by a snow plow? Yes. Please call the Village Hall and ask to be placed on the restoration list. When weather and time permits, we will repair your lawn. We apologize that a plow damaged your lawn. At times it is very difficult to see or find the curb line.

Difficult to See or Find | admin | 4.5