- African country
- African nation
- Country
- Feel unwell circling back by African country
- N African country
- North African country
- North African nation
- Baltic country
- Baltic nation
- Country
- European country
- African country
- Country
- Country in North Africa
- Fish-catching is leading industry in the country
- Foreign country
- Libya’s neighbour
- N African land
- Baltic country crumbles into sea
- Baltic nation
- Country
- Country that sits between Latvia and Russia on the Baltic Sea, capital Tallinn.
- European country
- Foreign country
- Former Soviet republic
- Bucolic
- Citrus-producing country
- Corrosion, I see, is rural
- Country bumpkin
- Country-style
- Of the country
- Rural
- Barcelona is there
- Country
- Country health resort at home
- Country of Madrid
- Country that goes to pains to please?
- Country where I got caught in bad snap
- European country
- Alaska’s former owner
- Country
- Former Soviet Union
- largest of the former soviet republics
- Moscow’s country
- Narnia is surely a bit of a backward country
- Norway’s neighbour
- African country
- African county
- Alexandria is there
- Arab republic
- Country
- Cunning type to capture head of Government near Libya
- El Alamein nation
- A country in the Middle East
- Country
- Country of the Middle East
- Disraeli dismissed leader of Tel Aviv
- Foreign country
- Haifa is there
- Hebrew nation
- “Not for all the tea in ...”
- Asian country
- Asian nation
- Beijing is there
- Big country
- Chain broke pottery
- Chain damaged crockery