- Bad-tempered person
- Curmudgeon
- Gripe
- Grumpy person
- Whine
- Complain
- Whine
- Gray; a gray color; a mixture of white and black.
- Cry weakly
- plaintiff whine
- Plaintive whine
- Whine
- To cry with a low, whining, broken voice; to whine; to
complain; as, a child whimpers.
- To utter in alow, whining tone.
- A low, whining, broken cry; a low, whining sound,
expressive of complaint or grief.
- Complain
- Complain when man caught duck
- Express pain
- Expression of pain
- Gripe
- Groan
- Grumble
- Complained about Edwin holding her head
- Complained when ID was altered
- of Whine