- Conjurors
- Enchanters
- Enchantresses
- Their expertise may be just an illusion
- Wonder-workers
- Wonder
- The condition of one who is stunned. Hence: Numbness;
loss of sensation; stupor; loss of sense.
- Dismay; consternation.
- The overpowering emotion excited when something
unaccountable, wonderful, or dreadful is presented to the mind; an
intense degree of surprise; amazement.
- The object causing such an emotion.
- Amazing event
- Divine marvel
- Inexplicable event
- Marvellous event
- Wonder
- Wondrous event
- A wonder or wonderful thing.
- A wondrous emotion at first
- A wondrous esteem at the outset
- Admiration
- Admiration we expressed initially
- Amazement
- Beware holding back dread!
- Blow away some seaweed
- A maze meant to indicate surprise
- abruptness
- Astonishment
- Great surprise shown by chaps following a maze to reach intersection
- Surprise
- Wonder
- The condition of being amazed; bewilderment [Obs.];
overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or