Vital Energy Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 22-12-2017
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: vital energy. We have 7 answers for vital energy in our database.

Possible answers to vital energy

- China holds life force
- Echidna displayed force
- Energy generated by French investigators
- Greek character with Chinese energy
- Ho ... Minh City
- Life force
- Meditation art, t'ai ...

- The doctrine of vital forces or energy.

- Imperfectly vitalized; having naturally but little vital power or energy.

- Characterized by atony, or want of vital energy; as, an atonic disease.
- Unaccented; as, an atonic syllable.
- Destitute of tone vocality; surd.
- A word that has no accent.
- An element of speech entirely destitute of vocality, or produced by the breath alone; a nonvocal or surd consonant; a breathing.
- A remedy capable of allaying organic excitement or irritation.

- Cattle sound
- Close to the ground
- cold as in temperature
- Depressed
- Disreputable girls escape the gallows
- Downcast
- Following central depression

- A term used to denote all of the elements or factors which constitute vitality or vital energy.

- All-powerful
- Cocktail ingredient
- Divine being
- Enthusiasm
- Life force
- Mettle
- Soul

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